Welcome to my site

 Evangelist Robert Bailey


 Brethren in Christ

May peace be with you and God Bless You in the name of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ. My name is Robert Bailey and I am an missionary and evangelist. I am preaching in the evangelistic and the pulpit supply ministry in churches as the Lord opens the doors for this ministry. If you have special services such as revivals, Bible conferences and campmeetings in your church that you have evangelist or missionary come in and speak or know of other churches that does. I want you to know I am available to speak. I am a Bible Believing minister that stands on Bible doctrine. I’ll be looking forward to hearing from you in the future. Please feel free to contact me at the provided information below. I have 33 years of pastoral and evangelist experience.

E-mail: truesong777@gmail.com 

May God Bless You
Sincerely In Christ
Bro. Robert Bailey


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